We are an independent, grassroots, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, and anti-Zionist direct action movement with the sole focus of championing the liberation of all marginalized and exploited peoples of the world—and with the explicit focus of liberation for Palestine. 
We recognize the interconnectedness of struggles between Palestine and other oppressed nations. In our own struggle to see a liberated Palestine within our lifetime, we employ a multifaceted approach to spread our message and pressure those in power. Through education, we enlighten minds—fostering understanding and empathy, making connections between the struggle against the Zionist entity—as well as the global imperialist system of Capitalism—to the oppression of nations and peoples around the world. Our community outreach initiatives build bridges, creating spaces for dialogue and collaboration amongst other like-minded movements and organizations. With this, we amplify our collective voices—understanding that our strength is in our unity and in our numbers. Our commitment to direct action is unwavering, because we recognize that it is the most powerful tool at our disposal. With it, we challenge systemic oppression—striving for a world where justice, equity, and liberation flourish for every individual. 

Inspired and motivated by the Palestinian struggle, we weave these methods into a tapestry of change—acknowledging that the liberation of Palestine is intricately linked to the liberation of all, and that the blueprint to global liberation lies in the successful liberation of Palestine.